Our lawyers have extensive specialist experience in advising and representing you through all stages of the coronial process. We will explain all the intricacies of the law and procedure to you, and listen with empathy and understanding to support you through the process.
A coronial investigation into a death is obviously a sensitive and delicate time.
If you find yourself needing a lawyer for a coronial inquest, you’ll need someone with both legal expertise and the sensitivity and compassion to support you through the process.
At Gordon Legal, we are proud to always put people first. For more information about our coronial inquiry services, contact us today on 1800 21 22 23
What is a Coronial Inquest?
A coronial inquest is an investigation into the cause of someone’s death, or a fire.
The Coroner’s findings may have legal ramifications, as well as public relations and other implications. There are numerous reasons why you may need a lawyer for this process, and although it may not always be necessary for a lawyer to attend an inquest with you, it is always valuable to gain legal advice for a coronial inquest.
You may need legal help to manage the impact of the Coroner’s findings, and our team can provide you with strategic advice to do so.
For us every case is personal
Our Coronial Inquiries lawyers have decades of experience in handling difficult cases and understand the unique ins and outs of Coronial Inquiries claims.
We understand that Coronial Inquiries can be deeply traumatic and stressful events, which is why we strive to ease your burden by making the legal process as simple as possible for you.
Coronial Inquiries Experts

James Naughton

James Naughton
James is a highly regarded commercial lawyer and litigator. He has successfully brought claims against Australia’s largest banks, stockbrokers and financial institutions. He has also acted for people and organisations subject to investigations by government agencies and has advised industry superannuation funds, unions and corporations on regulatory, governance and directorship issues. James provides advice on contractual matters, corporate disputes, professional negligence and defamation claims. He also acts in complex matters – such as class actions and group litigation, including the Robodebt class action.

Sebastian O’Meara

Sebastian O’Meara
Senior Associate
Seb is an experienced lawyer who practises in class actions and other complex matters. He has worked on behalf of a superannuation fund in the Banking Royal Commission, and in a number of class actions, including the Robodebt class action. He also has broad experience in industrial and employment matters. He has acted for a number of unions and employees in various disputes in most of the State and Commonwealth courts and tribunals, including in urgent industrial disputes, breaches of the general protection provisions, discrimination claims, breaches of contract, underpayments, regulatory matters, and unfair dismissals.

Guy Tiffany

Guy Tiffany
Guy joined Gordon Legal as a paralegal working in the Class Actions and Commercial team and was promoted to Graduate Lawyer and then Lawyer. Guy took a leave of absence from Gordon Legal to undertake the role of Associate to the honourable Justice Attiwill of the Supreme Court of Victoria. He returned to Gordon Legal in November 2023 and is currently an Associate in the Class Actions practice. Guy has been involved in several class actions conducted by Gordon Legal involving diverse subject matter, including the ‘Robodebt Class Action’, underpayment claims, and proceedings against insurers in relation to non-payment of business interruption insurance. Guy is passionate about pursuing complex and large-scale claims through the vehicle of class action litigation.
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