Home Services Public Liability Slips & Falls Receipts and information to keep if you are injured
Receipts and information to keep if you are injured
Receipts and information to keep if you are injured

In the aftermath of an accident, your health and wellbeing are undoubtedly your highest priority. However, while seeking the help you need, it is vital that you maintain records of any information that may be relevant to making a public liability claim in the future, including all receipts for any out-of-pocket expenses relating to the injury.
Documenting all information and keeping receipts is not only evidence of the extent of your injuries, but you can be reimbursed for the amount spent. Proof of expenses will greatly assist your case in the end.
Here are our top tips of records to keep which will assist with your public liability claim:
1. Keep records of any correspondence relating to the accident (letters, emails and texts)
This includes everything from a letter that you send to report the injury to a business or council, to incident report forms and responses received.
2. Maintain contact details of anyone who has offered you help
It is a good idea to maintain the contact details of anyone who has offered you help and assistance, and the kind of help they have given you. This includes any health practitioners, as well as any witnesses to your accident. Usually someone has seen what happened to you and rushes to your assistance. Witnesses provide valuable detail to support the evidence that you have already gathered about your case. They can reiterate your claims about the nature of the accident, the surroundings, the weather, the time, the response by the owner/occupier of the premises, and your physical injuries immediately following the accident.
3. Note down any details about the incident and take photographs
You should record any details about the incident that you can remember. This includes the time of day when the accident happened, the weather and any witnesses’ details that you have obtained. It is also very helpful to take photos and mark with an X on a map the exact location where the accident occurred, as well as photos of the injury itself. Remember to date these documents accordingly.
4. Keep records of medical treatment
As well as medical certificates, x-rays and scans, it is useful to make your own document listing the practitioner you saw, the date of the appointment and the reason for the appointment.
5. Keep receipts for any out-of-pocket expenses relating to the injury
Medical expenses arising out of a can be wide ranging, including expenses that have already been incurred as well as expenses that may arise in the future.
Expenses relating to the injury may be varied, and can include GP visits, ongoing support services such as counselling, physiotherapy and other rehabilitation, pharmacy purchases, transport between specialists, and much more. Even if you believe it is a trivial amount, these expenses can add up, so err on the side of caution and keep the receipt, making sure that the receipt is dated and that it is clear what you have purchased.
Expenses often include:
- Reimbursement for emergency medical treatment
- Ongoing support services such as counselling, physiotherapy, and other rehabilitation
- Hospital and nursing expenses
- Personal and household expenses
- Other domestic services required as a result of your incapacity resulting from the injury
- Occupational rehabilitation and ambulance services received
- Educational assistance
- Cost of travel between medical appointments
- Pharmaceuticals
- Equipment such as aids, appliances, and associated costs for home and vehicle modifications.
6. Keep records of any time off work
Keep records of medical certificates and any correspondence with your workplace regarding time off work because of your injury. It is worthwhile making your own notes about time missed, which your employer can later support with a letter.
While these measures may seem time consuming and a hassle to manage, you will be thankful down the track when it comes time to making your claim, as all of your receipts and evidence will be organised and easy to reference.
If you have sustained an injury while in a public space, then our team of legal experts at Gordon Legal can assist you to claim for compensation. We will help you understand your rights and entitlements concerning compensation claims for personal injuries. There are strict time limits applied to public liability compensation claims, and they vary depending upon the state or territory your claim is lodged within.
It is important to seek professional legal advice as early as possible if you are at all unsure of how to proceed. This will ensure that your claim can be lodged correctly and on time. Contact our friendly team on 1800 21 22 23 to speak with a solicitor.

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